Hull Vineyard Church

30 for 30

30 Day Devotional


30 for 30  |  This life is about Jesus. It’s all about Him, and it’s all for Him.

In seasons of difficulty and trial God is so often leading us deeper into Him and His purposes. We passionately believe that what the enemy means for evil, God will work for our good and His glory. All is not lost; God is in control and on the throne.

So, as we step into another month of restrictions and limitations, as a church we want to use this time to bring us closer to God than ever before. We do not want to waste this season of waiting, instead we’re going to leverage the lockdown to pursue growth and depth and cultivate a greater spiritual awakening in our lives.

So, we’re launching a whole church devotional tool kit – we’re calling it 30 for 30.

The vision is to spend 30 minutes intentionally with Jesus every day over the next 30 days. We are going to have prayer points, scripture readings, thoughts for the day and practical applications for how we live our faith out in this time.

This is not about ticking boxes. This is about our hearts. This is about our posture. This is about positioning ourselves in such a way that every day we can meet with God, be transformed and make a little difference in our world.

God is a God that redeems broken things. Even in this challenging season, we’re expecting Him to do something remarkable in us and through us – the likes of which we’ve never seen before.

Join us as we begin 30 for 30


Over the course of the next 30 days we’re going to spend time reading the gospel of Matthew, in its entirety. In the Message translation of Matthew 11:28-30 it says:

‘Are you tired? Work out? Burned out on religion? Come to me. Get away with me and you’ll recover your life. I’ll show you how to take a real rest. Walk with me and work with me – watch how I do it. Learn the unforced rhythms of grace. I won’t lay anything heavy or Ill-fitting on you. Keep company with me and you’ll learn to live freely and lightly.’

The next 30 days are all about walking and working with Jesus. Spending time in His presence. Becoming awake to His voice and His ways and His purposes.

Each day, we’ll go through a set rhythm, a pattern, drawing our eyes and hearts towards Him and placing our souls in a space where He can meet us, heal us and transform us.

Our pattern is this:

Stop. Look. Pray. Live.
