Hull Vineyard Church

30 for 30

Day Twentyseven


Psalm 16:7 says ‘I will praise the LORD, who counsels me; even at night my heart instructs me.’

Take some time now to praise the Lord. Quieten your thoughts, put aside any distractions and worship Jesus.


Read Matthew 26. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you. You may want to make notes, underline in your bible or journal all that God is saying.

Thought of the day

Matthew 26:39 And going a little farther he fell on his face and prayed, saying, “My Father, if it be possible, let this cup pass from me; nevertheless, not as I will, but as you will.”

As we approach the final days of Jesus’ life, we see Jesus facing the most horrific and extraordinary circumstances.

He is betrayed by one of his closest friends, abandoned by others, falsely accused, misrepresented, tortured and ultimately murdered. The Lamb of God slain.

The crucifixion was a moment where it looked like the enemy won – and yet Jesus’ death was a vital part of the glorious victory of God.

Through the death of Jesus humanity can taste life. Sins may be forgiven. Relationship with our heavenly Father may be restored. Eternity is secured for those that trust in Christ alone for salvation.

Yet for Jesus, it was a traumatising time. In the verse above we peer into the story in the Garden of Gethsemane and see Jesus as He wrestles with what is about to happen. He is significantly sorrowful and troubled.

Confronted with the reality of what He is about to do, we see Jesus praying one of the most honest prayers in the bible.

‘“My Father, if there is any way, get me out of this. But please, not what I want. You, what do you want?” MSG.

Jesus honestly shares with His Father how He feels in this moment, he brings it all before God. And He still surrenders. Jesus submits His will to the will of the Father.

This is a picture of remarkable trust. Faced with a future of pain, sorrow and earthly trial – Jesus trusted His Father enough to surrender His will and live out the prayer ‘Your will be done.’

Jesus saw through the imminent pain to a joy beyond all comparison. For the joy that was set before Him, He endured the cross. He trusted God. He surrendered His life for you and for me.


This morning we’re going to practice honest prayer. It’s too easy to approach God with our walls up and pray with pretence, acting as if everything is ok. Just be honest with the Lord. Share how you feel. Share what’s going on in your inner world. Share your struggles and stresses, frustrations and fears, anxieties, and troubles. Give them all to the Lord and invite Him to meet you in them.


Today we’re going to take communion. Get things ready, and re-read Matthew 26:26-29. Remember the cross, the body and the blood of Jesus.