30 for 30
Day Twenty
Our Father in Heaven, Hallowed be your name. This morning let’s spend the first few moments of our devotional hallowing the name of God. Tell Him how much you love Him, and tell Him what you love about Him.
Read Matthew 19. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you. You may want to make notes, underline in your bible or journal all that God is saying.
Thought of the day
Matthew 19:21 Jesus said to him, “If you would be perfect, go, sell what you possess and give to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow me
What does it mean to live with an eternal perspective?
In Matthew 19 Jesus has an encounter with a rich young man. This man approaches Jesus and asks Him what He must do to inherit eternal life.
Jesus, knowing there was more to the question, answered that the young man must keep the commandments – in other words, live the perfect moral life – and the man replies that he had!
He’d followed the rules, he’d ticked the boxes – and yet something was still missing.
Here we see the genius of Jesus. His supernatural vision cuts to the core of the real issue, and uncovers the treasure or the trouble in every human heart.
He says to the young man – Ok, if you’re perfect go sell everything and give it away to the poor and then you can follow me..
The text says that 22 “When the young man heard this he went away sorrowful, for he had great possessions.”
He couldn’t do it! He wanted Jesus on his own terms. Jesus as part of his life, not his whole life. He wanted a golden ticket to heaven based on his performance, but what he didn’t realise was that stood before him was the way to eternal life. Jesus is the life. And Jesus doesn’t share the throne.
The issue was not a matter of following rules, but a matter of forsaking relationship. It wasn’t about the money, it was about his heart.
For the rich young man, Jesus identified that money was sitting on the throne of his life, and Jesus beautifully invited the man to depose the idol of mammon by stepping into generosity. Rich Warren says that God created generosity to root selfishness out of the human heart.
The man went away sad, because Jesus had revealed what he ultimately loved in life. He couldn’t give it up. He couldn’t let go. Jesus was not worth losing his wealth and most likely property and status for.
For the rich young man it was wealth. For us, it may be our career, or an unhealthy relationship, or property, or status, or family.
We’re all on a journey of surrendering all, of inviting Jesus to be King over every area of our lives. Is there anything you need to let go of today in order that Jesus may take His rightful throne?
Jesus must be first.
And here is the beautiful promise Jesus makes for anyone that sacrifices something in this world for His sake – it will be worth it on the other side.
29 ‘And everyone who has left houses or brothers or sisters or father or mother or children or lands, for my name’s sake, will receive a hundredfold and will inherit eternal life. 30 But many who are first will be last, and the last first.’
May we be a church family that live in the light of eternity – that places Jesus first in every area of our lives. May we be willing to sell it all just to have Jesus knowing that He alone is our very great reward.
If you are able – drop to your knees where you are. Welcome the Holy Spirit among you. Spend 5 minutes talking to Jesus and tell Him how much you love Him, and listen to how He responds.
Spend the rest of your time today considering the gifts you have that you can give to God. What things has He placed in your life that you can use for His Glory? Think about your time, finances, talents, work, social time, relationships, your attitude, media consumption, rest and thought life. Are any of these subtly taking the place of Jesus in your life. How would you feel if Jesus asked you to give them up?