30 for 30
Day Thirty
Stop what you’re doing. Quiet your heart today. Whatever distracting thoughts are flowing through your mind, try and quiet them for a few moments. Be still in God’s presence and allow His perfect love to meet you exactly where you are.
You don’t need to do anything, or even say anything. Jesus is with you, right now, in the room.
Invite Him to meet with you.
Take 5 minutes in quiet pondering Jesus, thinking about Jesus and quietly inviting Him into your day.
You made it through Matthew!
God has been speaking over the last 30 days. Today we have one final day to ponder all that Jesus has been saying. It’s helpful to create space to think, to reflect and to receive from Him afresh.
Here are some questions to ask Him.
What are some of the main things you’re saying to me right now?
What are some of the invitations you’re giving me right now?
What are some of the things I need to repent of right now?
What are some of the things I need to surrender right now?