Hull Vineyard Church

30 for 30

Day Two


This morning we’re going to enter God’s presence with thanksgiving. Take some time to stop. Breathe. Become aware of God’s presence in you and with you. Take 5 minutes to thank God for who He is, and all He’s done for you.


Read Matthew 2. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you. You may want to make notes, underline in your bible or journal all that God is saying.

Thought of the day

Matthew 2:11 - "On coming to the house, they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him. Then they opened their treasures and presented him with gifts of gold, frankincense and myrrh."

When it comes to Jesus – worship is the appropriate response.

The wise men bowed down as they saw the child Jesus. Not for any other reason than who He was. This boy was more than just a boy. He was, and is, the King of all Kings, the Lord of all Lords – and as we discovered yesterday – God himself in human form.

Even in this moment the prophetic purposes of God for Jesus were revealed. He was given Gold – a symbol of royalty; frankincense as a picture of His Deity, and Myrrh as a symbol of His death.

In these three gifts, we see a picture of the Gospel. God himself became a human, established and demonstrated the Kingdom of God on earth – and died for the sins of the world.

He is worth our worship.


If you are able – drop to your knees where you are. Welcome the Holy Spirit among you. Spend 5 minutes talking to Jesus and tell Him how much you love Him, and listen to how He responds.


Spend the rest of your time today considering the gifts you have that you can give to God. What things has He placed in your life that you can use for His Glory? Think about your time, finances, talents, work, social time, relationships, your attitude, media consumption, rest and thought life. What could it look like to surrender these more fully as an offering to the King Jesus?