30 for 30
Day Nineteen
This morning we’re going to enter God’s presence with thanksgiving. Take some time to stop. Breathe. Become aware of God’s presence in you and with you. Take 5 minutes to thank God for who He is, and all He’s done for you.
Read Matthew 18. Ask the Holy Spirit to speak to you. You may want to make notes, underline in your bible or journal all that God is saying.
Thought of the day
Matthew 18:14 So it is not the will of my Father who is in heaven that one of these little ones should perish.
Sometimes it’s helpful to remind ourselves of the heart of God.
Jesus tells us a familiar story in Matthew 18 about sheep and a Shepherd. When one sheep out of a flock of 100 goes missing, the Shepherd leaves the 99 remaining sheep to pursue the one.
We must not forget this. God is the initiator of our salvation. He is pursuing everyone in the world that has wandered away from Him. He is always about His business, always looking, always searching, always longing that lose sheep will be found.
Right now – among your neighbours and family and friends and work colleagues and house mates – anyone that doesn’t know Jesus – God is on their case. He is the Good Shepherd and is relentless pursuing with an unstoppable heart.
God desires than no one should perish. No matter who they are, no matter what they’ve done. God is on the move.
There is also this mysterious element to salvation that is expounded elsewhere in the scriptures – that God invites the Church, that’s you and me, to participate in inviting people to know Jesus.
God’s set it up that it would be a partnership! A great co-mission. God and the Church – filled and empowered by the Holy Spirit – would be working together to see a harvest reaped.
God is doing His bit – are we doing ours?
Today pray by name for 3-5 lost people that you know. Lift them up to the Lord and intercede for their salvation.
This week tell someone about Jesus. Share about Him. Maybe on the street or over WhatsApp, or Facebook or to a neighbour. Be bold and name-drop Jesus. You never know what conversation it may start – and what encounter it may lead to…