Hull Vineyard Church

We're are currently in bolivia!

To get live updates on the mission trip to Bolivia follow us on social media and check out our stories.

Bolivia Mission

In recent times God has been stirring our hearts for the nations. A partnership has opened up to serve one of South America’s most deprived nations, Bolivia, and the Vineyard Churches there.

We are very excited to announce that at the end of June, we are sending a team of six people from Hull Vineyard to Bolivia to serve at the Vineyard Leaders Conference in Cochabamba, to find out what God is saying to us about our future involvement in Bolivia, and to research and plan for future visits.

What the trip is going to look like?

The team will be joining leaders from the four Bolivian churches and the leader of the Vineyard Bolivia Partnership to serve at a leadership conference in Cochabamba. They will then fly to La Paz to investigate the possibility of taking a team out there next year.

In La Paz, they will have the opportunity to visit one Vineyard in a fairly affluent area and another (Viña Achuamani) in an area where there is significant poverty, which we would love to be able to support in some way.

They are flying via Lima, Perú, which will give them the opportunity to visit two Vineyard churches there where we have connections. One of the team will also fly back via São Paulo, Brazil to connect with a church there and explore future opportunities on the way to Bolivia.

How can you support this mission?

Give Financially – On Sunday 21st April we will be taking a gift offering for anyone who would like to contribute to cover some of the costs of travel, and giving a generous gift to the churches in Bolivia from our community to theirs.

There will be a number of ways to give, including cash, contactless, pledge forms and online. Please pray about whether this is something you’d like to partner with us in.

Pray – Please pray for our team as they go and serve – for Heaven to invade Earth and His Kingdom to come! Pray for signs, wonders and miracles, open doors of partnership, and God’s guidance and protection throughout.

To get involved in this mission you can make a donation by transferring a gift with the reference ‘Bolivia Surname’ to the account details below.

Bank: HSBC
Account Name: The Hull Vineyard Trust
Sort Code: 40 25 59
Account Number: 90117196
Reference: Bolivia Surname

Click here to fill out a Pledge form

You can give using your credit or debit card via ChurchSuite.

Click to Give Online

To make a pledge, please fill out a pledge form by clicking here


Alternativally physical pledge forms are available at church or to download by clicking on the pledge form image

We love you church, and invite you to partner with us as we pursue mission to the nations