Sunday 17th January | Prayer
During our 21 days of Prayer and Fasting, we’d love to get our children involved in praying too. Vineyard Churches in the UK have produced some great resources for children of all ages. We hope you find them useful!
The Daily Examen for Kids
The Daily Examen helps us to prayerfully reflect on our days through a set of five steps. Lots of adults find it a useful exercise and now Vineyard churches have produced some great resources for kids.
Older Children
Vineyard Churches Kids Network have created this video to help children engage with the Daily Examen and walk them through it. It’s particularly appropriate for our older Beans and All Stars children. You can then download the Daily Examen card to help you remember these steps every day.
Younger Children
For younger Beans and Tots children, our friends at Tiverton Vineyard have simplified the Daily Examen further. They have created ‘Good Morning’ and ‘Good Night’ prayer ‘pillow cards’ and an engaging video to explain how to use them.
Daily Examen from Tiverton Vineyard
Pillow Cards
Click on the links provided by Tiverton Vineyard to download the pillow cards to print out.