Sunday 11th October | The Parable of the Two Builders
A Game for the Whole Family
Build the tallest tower you can out of lego/building blocks.
Build the tallest tower you can out of something soft (e.g. marshmallows)
Which is the tallest? Which was stronger? Why?
Explain that today’s story is all about two people who tried to build a house very differently.
Questions to talk through together
- What did the wise man build his house out of?
- What did the foolish man build his house out of?
- What happened to the house built on solid rock?
- What happened to the house built on the sand?
- In our lives, who is really the rock?
- What did the wise man build his house out of?
- What did the foolish man build his house out of?
- What happened to the house built on solid rock?
- What happened to the house built on the sand?
- In our lives, who is really the rock?
- Read Matthew 7:24-25. Say, The first story that Jesus tells us in this passage is about a man who builds his house upon a rock. Think about what a rock is and what it feels like. It is very strong and sturdy. Jesus is like a rock. When we have Jesus in our lives it is like we are standing on a rock. We are not going to fall down when Jesus is holding us up. We have to rely on Jesus with every part of our lives. If we do rely on Jesus, He will not let us fall.
- Read Matthew 7:26-27. Say, The second part of this story is about a man who built his house on the sand. What is sand like? It is squishy and it moves when you walk on it. The world is like sand. When we build our lives on whatever we want, but not Jesus, it is like standing on the sand. When life is hard the foundation we are standing on gets squishy and we will fall down. Without Jesus we fall down. The foolish man’s house fell down when the storm came.
- Read Matthew 7:28-29. Say, When Jesus taught this lesson, many people were amazed because they knew that He had the authority of God to teach them. They understood that Jesus was right and they needed to believe in Him and trust Him. What about you? Do you want to build your life upon the rock like Jesus? Or on the sand? Help the children understand that they should build their lives on the rock of Jesus Christ.
Say, That’s right we need to build our lives on Jesus and nothing else. When build our lives on Jesus by believing in Him. If we believe in Jesus then we will want to know more about Him.
When we build our lives on Jesus then we gain wisdom. What does it mean to have wisdom? Wisdom is making the right choices. We get wisdom when we learn more about Jesus and reading our Bible. Having wisdom helps us to build our lives on the rock, just like Jesus wants us to.
Decorate a rock with colouring pens and/or stickers. You could write on it ‘Jesus is my rock’!
There is also a colouring sheet from Ministry to Children click on the button to download it from their website.