Hull Vineyard Church

Love Christmas


Our Compassion ministries work alongside some of the most vulnerable people in our city. This Christmas we want to show the radical Love of God to those we work with - this is Love Christmas!

What We're Doing

This year there are 2 ways we're loving our city!

First through the preparation and serving of delicious Christmas Meals.

Secondly through the giving of gifts. Hampers of Hope to support the amazing women and families we work with and partnering with HMP Hull to give prisoners gifts this Christmas.

How to get involved

There are three main ways to get involved in Love Christmas, pray, serve and give.


We want to pray that as we show the Love of God this Christmas lives will be changed!

Serve On The TEAM

We're looking for team to serve at Christmas meals on Monday 9th December and Tuesday 17th December. Also team to help prepare, pack and write christmas cards for the gifts to prisoners at HMP Hull.

Give financially

We'd love to invite you to give financially towards all that we're doing to love our city this Christmas.

You can transfer a gift to:
The Hull Vineyard Trust
Account number: 90117196
Sort Code: 40-25-59
Reference: Love Christmas

Thank you