Hull Vineyard Church

the hope project

find hope, find home

Deep down, we all long to be used by God to do something significant in our time. Every so often amidst the normality of life, there comes a moment which carries the potential to change things forever. We believe we are standing in front of one of those moments. Introducing…


Over the last few years our Compassion ministries have multiplied and our reach beyond the walls of our building increased. We’ve seen God do remarkable things as we have committed to saying ‘yes’ to the next thing.

The Hope Centre is our next yes. It will be a home of compassion for our city. A place of belonging and hospitality, healing and freedom. It will house our current compassion initiatives, and provide room to grow. It will embody God’s heart and enable us to be His hands. It will stand as a message to our city of God’s love and our welcome.

We want to invite you to join us as we step into God’s story for the sake of our city.

To share the story so far, along with our plans and dreams for the future we have put together a brochure which you can read by clicking here

For those who call Hull Vineyard home we have set aside Sunday 12th March as Gift Day, a day of celebration and giving.

If you are not yet part of the community at Hull Vineyard but would still like to get involved in this project you can make a donation by transfering a gift with the reference Building Surname to the account details below.

Bank: HSBC
Account Name: The Hull Vineyard Trust
Sort Code: 40 25 59
Account Number: 90117196
Reference: Building Surname

Click here to fill out a Pledge form

To make a pledge, please fill out a pledge form by clicking here


Alternativally physical pledge cards are available at church or to download by clicking on the pledge form image

vision series talks

On Sunday morning Senior Pastor John Clarke shared part one of our vision series for 2023, including an exciting announcement.
On Sunday morning Senior Pastor John Clarke shared part two of our vision series for 2023.
On Sunday morning Associate Pastor Josh Turner and Senior Pastors Joni & John Clarke shared the final part of our vision series for 2023.
On Sunday morning Senior Pastor John Clarke continued our new series Nehemiah - Restore & Rebuild.
We love you church, and invite you to join us on this faith adventure as we say Yes to God’s call and build The Hope Centre, where our city can Find Hope and Find Home.



GIVE – Consider prayerfully the amount you feel God is asking you to give financially to the project.

ASK – How can you contribute? What ideas and gifts can be utilised? What questions do you have as we journey together?

PRAY – As a priority we want to saturate this whole project in prayer, believe for the impossible and stand against the schemes of the enemy.