Prayer as a place of encounter
Luke 3:21-22
When all the people were being baptized, Jesus was baptized too. And as he was praying, heaven was opened and the Holy Spirit descended on him in bodily form like a dove. And a voice came from heaven: “You are my Son, whom I love; with you I am well pleased.”
Have you ever read a passage hundreds of times, yet missed something hidden in plain view? This happened to me with this scripture. I’d never ever seen it before. Maybe I had, but I’d never paid attention. This time, however, it jumped off the page.
We are just starting a month of prayer as a community and I’m reading the familiar story of Jesus’ baptism. It’s a pivotal moment in the story of Jesus. A moment of revelation, encounter, affirmation. The Father speaks words over Jesus that every single human longs to hear.
You are my son I love you I’m pleased with you.
Words of identity, affection and pleasure spoken over Jesus. Before He ever had to earn the affection or approval of God, before Jesus begins His ministry it is lavished upon Him by his Father in an encounter with the tangible presence of the Holy Spirit.
But there is something in this passage that I’d missed. Did you notice it?
As he was praying As he was praying
Everything in scripture is intentional. As Jesus was praying. I think this is significant for us, as we begin a time of prayer and fasting.
Prayer is place of encounter. It was as Jesus was engaged in communion with the Father that the life changing words and revelation was poured out. This is what prayer is about.
Prayer is a space we create to hear from God and encounter his presence.
Too often prayer feels one way. Like, we give God a shopping list or a to do list and leave Him to it.
This is the first time we see Jesus pray in the Gospel of Luke and the conversation is two way. Jesus prays. The Father speaks too.
I believe God wants to speak to you, today. Every day. He’s your Father and He adores you. He’s pleased with you, and he wants to tell you.
Take some time to stop. It’s hard to listen with so many distractions. Take time to pause. To still your heart and become aware of God’s presence. To breathe and to pray.
Expect encounter. Ready yourself to hear. Prayer is talking with God. With God, not to God. He longs to meet you and speak with you.